The Valpaços Wine House


The Valpaços Wine House is an interactive museum, with multi-touch equipment of last generation that reveal the history, the characteristics and the specificities of the region’s wines, also giving highlight to the archaeological and landscape heritage.

It is also in the Wine House, the new headquarters of CVRTM - Wine Commission Regional of Trás-os-Montes. It is this entity that certifies products with designation of the Trás-os-Montes’ origin and the indication Geográfica Transmontano as also control underlying's to conditions for the certification.

In the adjacent building, is situated the Valpaços Tourism Interactive Shop which is linked to the network of spaces for the promotion and dissemination touristic of the Entidade de Turismo Porto e Norte de Portugal (TPNP).

The Wine House represents an infrastructure of the municipality's reference in the ambit of the valorisation, divulgation and marketing of products from the primary sector while successful note of the county intervention, as well as the promotion of the richness and diversity landscape, gastronomy and cultural heritage of the transmontana region and from the county of Valpaços, in particular.


Location: Valpaços
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